Friday, July 27, 2018

Biophysics wk12 - Life & Living Systems

  • I know I’m a “living system” because…….The base of my molecules is carbon chains.  I can reproduce a variation of my self, as  noted on the paper on Autopoietic Organization " Our proposition is that living beings are characterized in that, literally, the are continually self-producing. 

  • TCM and Biophysics - Again I must proclaim my novice position in both TCM & Biophysics, as such my views will not be fully informed.  In my current perception of TCM it individual is not apart from nature but a part of the biosphere.  There is a microcosmic duplication of the macrocosmic universe in each person.  In this I think that there is much more room for Biophysics to directly inform the way of knowing that is used in TCM.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am also a novice. Hopefully as we move forward in our TCM careers, we will have a more clear understading of how biophysics conncets to TCM. CHEERS!
