My asymmetrical world -
"Sisters not twins," have become words that I live by. I first heard this saying in regards to a friend of mine attempting to create the perfect liquid line of eyeliner. She explained to me through the reflection in the mirror that perfection/duplication/symmetry is impossible. If one strives for perfect symmetry in makeup application that it will lead to hours of time and emotional frustration that are really not necessarily needing to be wasted. Shoot for an achievable goal and you will find success. Our faces are not symmetrical, and that is something to be celebrated and not worked against.
In my work as a body piercer, I find myself pairing up earlobe piercings quite frequently. You may or may not be aware of this, but ears are quite regularly drastically different from one another. Overall size, location on the head, and shape can vary from left to right ear. And so I say to myself and to my client "sisters not twins" what I mean is that finding a pleasing balanced location of the adornment to sit is the goal. If I were to take out a measuring tool and place the piercing on the exact same location as measured from the bottom of the lobe and distance to the side of the face, the outcome could appear very lopsided. Such is my asymmetrical world!
Just what does this CP violation really mean?
Ho-Lee-Shit this stuff when way over my head. But I will try and explain it back to you. Because energy is conserved for every "thing" there is also an "anti-thing" that also exists, however they must also exist in different locations. If a "thing" and and "anti-thing" meet, POOF, they undo each other and there is nothing. So how come this hasn't happened to everything? In my understanding it is because of the CP violation. On the tiny tiny tiny level, once in a very long time when a "thing" is created "anti-thing" is not created instead "bizzarso-anti-thing" is created (this may or may not put it back to being the same as "thing"). Like if Bizzaro World Superman was a good guy, and so didn't lead to an epic battle between Superman & Bizzaro Superman. Because there wasn't that mutual self destruction both can go about existing, and because of this CP violation there can be matter of "things" in existence. And so the universe exists.
Are there connections between Sacred Geometry and Physics?
I think the better question would be, can you elucidate on the connections between Sacred Geometry and Physics. I think that the connection between geometry and physics has become more apparent once the computational power of computers has come into play. The fractal images that are a part of Chaos Theory show a direct link to Physics.
On a more instinctual level, as I think about why Sacred Geometry exists. If the golden mean exists because it is the most efficient way for energy to be organized on the micro as well as the astronomical scales, isn't that in itself at the heart of Physics? Physics is the asking of why the universe is? In class we have spoken to the point that no question is out of the question of Physics. Well, it would appear to me that the Golden Mean has presented itself as an answer to some of these questions. This leads me to wonder, why haven't more Physicists that I am aware of reversed engineered theory around the answer that we see in the Golden Ration?
I like to think of the yin and yang symbol---the anti matter and matter---the negative and the positive....and guess what they kinda look like ear
ReplyDeleteGreat comparison with the piercing experience you have.