Monday, May 21, 2018

Physics Wk 2 - Quantum Physics

Quantum uncertainty describes how when dealing with the smallest parts of matter that it is impossible to know both the exact position in space & how much momentum that particle has.  In class we spent some time discussing how difficult it os for the western scientific mind to be at ease with the concept of uncertainty. Also how we as students of Traditional Chinese Medicine are learning to think in a more eastern way and this may allow us to be less at odds with concept of uncertainty.  This line of conversation raised the question for me: Are there any eastern minds working on quantum mechanics now, or in the past?  It struck me when reading the article on A history of Quantum Mechanics that all of the scientist seemed to be Eastern European men.

I wasn't very clear upon reflection about what Quantum  Causality and Entanglement was referring to so I did a quick web search and found a 2012 article published from the University of Vienna Quantum causal relations: A causes B causes A

"in quantum mechanics it is possible to conceive situations in which a single event can be both, a cause and an effect of another one."

Quantum Causality seems to remove the arrows of time from the equation of A causality.  Is it the observer that and the space time that they are occupying that forms the time directional relationship of causality of solidify?

I have a difficulty with terms such as weird/normal. I find that they are very difficult to operationally define, and if they are not very specifically defined then they have a subjective meaning for each reader.  I as the writer have my concepts of normality based upon my life experiences, which will not be the same as the normality of the reader.  So, I will respond to the idea of is the Universe full of the unexpected.  Absolutely.  I think the sciences of humanity, and quantum physics are just at the brink of seeing how much we have learned already has given us a lens to view the staggering and mind bending depths of the unknown universe that is yet to be understood.
Your comments on Causality
Is the Universe weird?

Friday, May 18, 2018

Through the Quantum Rabbit Hole.

Tiny black holes at the center of every atom, check out Nassim Harmein 3 part lecture to understand how the geometry of a proton contains information.

Paul Davies wrote a book called The Eerie Silence

I also want to look at the use of the idea of spooky at a distance used in distance healing, such a Rife

Monday, May 14, 2018

Week 1 - Just in the nick of time

I sit here on the eve before class, reflecting back nearly a week on the conversation that was had around the meaning of time.  Not a moment too soon, as time is running out before class will meet again and I will no longer have the time to write this blog.

What I have gathered is this.  Time exists in combination with space.  It seems to me that the meaning of time becomes variable based upon context.   It depends on the viewer in relation to space time, such as in the conversation where a clock that is approaching the event horizon will be seen by a viewer to slow down however to the clock itself time will continue in an unchanged fashion.  An individuals relationship with time is going to be informed by the culture that the person is living in.

A interesting relationship that I have with the meaning of time's value personally comes with catching a BART train.  There is a 15-25 min wait between train each train on a single destination line during most day parts.  What The moment that I find most interesting is the 1 minute that it can take miss getting on a train transmutes into 15 minutes or more minutes till the next train arrives.  The value of that one minute that is exponentially greater than the minutes that come before or after it in relationship to catching a BART train.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018