Friday, May 31, 2019

The struggle is real

I was doing much better with keeping up with my work last Sumer.  I am interested in the subject matter we are discussing and yet I am lacking the self dissaplinetha in order to sit down and work at my computer need.
This is my cat, I jokingly call him my tutor. He wants to be in the thick of whatever I am doing, and likely needing at least one if not both my arms and hands to hold him.  I am typing with one hand now because of this.  My cat is nearly twenty.  I know he's not going to be around for even half as long as he has already been around.  As such I find it difficult not to allow him to have at least the use of one of my hands.

But you can see how my scholastic work suffers.  I'm behind in writing,  and a little in reading and that makes me anxious.  The anxiety freezes me and I have a difficult time initiating tasks.  So at least I am typing away at my keyboard instead of not.  But, I am still not writing about how the moon phases may effect my dreams.  Or other assigned topics.  

I had to complete something before bed tonight.  So I leave you with a little note on my current struggle.  It's just the tip of my iceberg, but at least there's a dapper silver fox of a cat photo to look at.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Biology week 3 - Genetic Evolution

1.1 "99.4% of the most critical DNA sites are identical in human and chimp genes" What do you make of this?

I think that this means that there may be more to a human being than looking at our total DNA.  I am curious to know more about what percentage of the genes in our DNA are expressed?  Is it possible that DNA more or less holds the recipes for creating "life" and the expression of the genes within it are what dictates how that is expressed?  I think about the articles that we read on evo devo and how it genetic mutation came from the swapping around of gene bundles and not so much from building a new genome from the ground up.  

I believe it was explained as that nature didn't recreate the wheel.  

I think another aspect to consider is that of the microbiome.  There are more microrgaisms living on us than there are human cells in us.  SOooooo is it really only the DNA that makes a human?  Or is it the symbiotic community, for lack of a better word?  I just keep thinking about when I first learned about the mitochondria, that it has it's own DNA.  Let that really sink it.  It's not human DNA that creates the mitochondria.  It's it's own little buddy that now lives in every one of our cells.  Life is really wild.

2. Use your blog to record your impressions of Human Genetic Evolution

3. Take-Home Memorial Day Weekend Assignment-
Cambridge scientists create world's first living organism with fully redesigned DNA.
What are the key issues brought up in this article, in your view?

4.     Check out the following links on Cybernetics:
Self-organization and complexity in the natural sciences
Autopoiesis and Coevolution

Biology week 2 - Evolutionary and Developmental Biology

1 - Post your thoughts on Evo-Devo

It took me a second reading of the article of Evo-Devo to really sink my teeth into the closing thoughts.  That the genomes of animals are not vastly different, but that the order of which master genes are triggered is what creates the differences across the lifeforms.  The comparison to the symphony really struck it home for me.  I have a background in music and played in wind ensembles, which is basically an orchestra without the string instruments.  The symphony that is performed is the genetic expression, the musicians are the genome & the conductor/sheet music are the master genes. 
Make a change in the sheet music  and you're going to get a completely different beast.  If the conductor misreads the music and cues the trumpet solo early, it's going to change the whole expression of the piece. 

I just downloaded an APP to track my sleep cycle.  I sleep with my cat, and I wonder if the phone is tracking the combination of both our sleep.
My sleep tracking has shown that I get fairly consistent amount of deep sleep/REM sleep when combined.  I am averaging around 70% of my sleep being in either deep sleep or REM sleep.  Many nights I have short periods of REM, but twice in the last 10 days I have had over 35% of my sleep time spent in REM.
That being said, I have had a valerian root extract before sleep on many of these nights.  I also experimented with sleeping while having Mugwart under my pillow & drinking a Mugwart tea before bed.  Both of these have been said to increase the amount one dreams.
And as was mentioned in the article "How much can an extra hour's sleep change you" it is during REM sleep that our brains norepinephrine system is shut down thus allowing us to work through the day's emotions without triggering a stress response.  I have recently been through a break up, and so I am attempting to use my dream time to help process through my emotions.
A study shows that less time is spent asleep, and it takes longer to get to REM sleep during a full moon.
Glial Cells Shrink during sleep and open up interstitial spaces that allow more fluids to pass through the brain's glymphatic and clean out neurotoxins and protein buildups.
Going from 6.5 to 7.5hr of sleep a night kept 500 genes from being switched on, including ones that cause: inflammation, immune response, stress responses, as well as genes associated with increased likelihood of diabetes and cancer.

2- Check out the following links on Darwinism & post feedback to your blog:
How Did We Get Here?
From the inheritance of acquired traits to natural selection to evo devo, evolutionary theory has itself evolved
By Steve Mirsky
Solid review of how eco dev has come into being.
Why Darwinism Matters
Washington DC Policy Briefing
May 10, 2000
By Nancy R. Pearcey

HO-LEE-SHIT, this piece is 19 years old and still it strikes a cord with me relevant to what is happening in the world today.  Starting in with the evolutionary psychology view of rape bing naturally selected into existence.  And then diving into darwinian views of god/religion, as well as moral code/law/civilization.
That article was very thick, and I think I need to print it out and attack it with a colored pencil in order to keep track of the many points that were made.  I think it would be much easier to digest if it were broken up into smaller articles.
Overall, I'm left with a sour taste in my mouth overall.  Bringing up the destructive attributes that exist in humanity and validating them through Darwinism is just too close to validating them within society, and i do not find those two things to hold true simultaneously. I would hate to hear an argument for the legality of rape due to Darwinism in a court.
Origin of Life Questions and Answers
“Answers in Genesis”
It's real difficult to listen to judo christian dogma.  Why this creation myth over another creation myth? 
I don't at this point buy into one creation myth, sciences big bang goes into the lot with all of them for me a this point.  I am continuing the sour feelings I have from the last article over to this one.
I am being a horrible Biologist, and I'll own that.  I cannot look at this information objectively. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Where Body Piercing and Auricular Therapy Collide

This is where I'm going to stash a bunch of links to leads for my presentation.

I want to look at the information that is being presented to the public about the Daith piercing as a treatment for Migraines: placebo or acupuncture?

Awh man even more things to look at - I am now in correspondence with Elayne Angel and if I get off my ass I will correspond with Kristen the LcA whom she trained in ear piercing.
This is a solid study with great references & goes through what portions of the ear are likely innervated by what nerve branches and what they do.
This is an article I want to see if I can get without paying for via the school library.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Biology Wk 1 2019 Intro

Hello Biology classmates, I am Tiana.  This is my 5th trimester at ACCH, just rounding the corner of half way through the curriculum.  I was originally going to test out of taking this course, but after taking some of Lary's classes last summer I decided that I wanted to have the opportunity to take another class from him.  So, here we all are.  I am looking forward to diving into Biology together.

Reading the CRISPR article raised some questions for me. I wonder why modifying DNA on an embryo is taboo vs. modifying DNA in an adult?  I also wondered about gene expression, my understanding about DNA and gene expression has more to it than just having a gene spliced in.  Does anyone have any insight into this?

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