Monday, May 20, 2019

Biology week 3 - Genetic Evolution

1.1 "99.4% of the most critical DNA sites are identical in human and chimp genes" What do you make of this?

I think that this means that there may be more to a human being than looking at our total DNA.  I am curious to know more about what percentage of the genes in our DNA are expressed?  Is it possible that DNA more or less holds the recipes for creating "life" and the expression of the genes within it are what dictates how that is expressed?  I think about the articles that we read on evo devo and how it genetic mutation came from the swapping around of gene bundles and not so much from building a new genome from the ground up.  

I believe it was explained as that nature didn't recreate the wheel.  

I think another aspect to consider is that of the microbiome.  There are more microrgaisms living on us than there are human cells in us.  SOooooo is it really only the DNA that makes a human?  Or is it the symbiotic community, for lack of a better word?  I just keep thinking about when I first learned about the mitochondria, that it has it's own DNA.  Let that really sink it.  It's not human DNA that creates the mitochondria.  It's it's own little buddy that now lives in every one of our cells.  Life is really wild.

2. Use your blog to record your impressions of Human Genetic Evolution

3. Take-Home Memorial Day Weekend Assignment-
Cambridge scientists create world's first living organism with fully redesigned DNA.
What are the key issues brought up in this article, in your view?

4.     Check out the following links on Cybernetics:
Self-organization and complexity in the natural sciences
Autopoiesis and Coevolution

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