Hello Biology classmates, I am Tiana. This is my 5th trimester at ACCH, just rounding the corner of half way through the curriculum. I was originally going to test out of taking this course, but after taking some of Lary's classes last summer I decided that I wanted to have the opportunity to take another class from him. So, here we all are. I am looking forward to diving into Biology together.
Reading the CRISPR article raised some questions for me. I wonder why modifying DNA on an embryo is taboo vs. modifying DNA in an adult? I also wondered about gene expression, my understanding about DNA and gene expression has more to it than just having a gene spliced in. Does anyone have any insight into this?
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I'm on this train of thought too - how do epigenetics fit in with gene modification? Maybe right now we're focusing only on editing genes out, rather than adding them in? But I wonder if DNA modification would work at all if we added genes, since we probably can't force it to express.