In the years aprecieding 2012 I took on a laissez faire attitude I took risks. The word was that the Mayan calendar came to a close in December of 2012. So I figured, if the world ended so be it. I would not be held accountable for debts I had accumulated and I would have had more experiences than if I had lived my life "safely." In these years of saying yes to every opportunity that came my way, I opened myself up to observing the working of interconnectedness, manifestation, and synchronistic happenings around me. Here is an example of such:

When it came to the evening of Dec 21st, I hardly realized that the great event was upon us all. I was entrenched in my daily grind. I was also homeless and staying between a number of my friends houses. Having put all my things in storage and gotten rid of my apartment in order to afford spending a month abroad. One of my friends had recently relocated to the Bay Area from Oahu. It so happened that a couple of women from Hawaii were visiting and all of us ended up at the same roller derby practice. The Hawaiis were going to go out after practice and I was invited. Typically I have no time for such social outings. But, it was the end of the world so why not? One of the women from the Big Island caught my fancy that evening. I pursued getting to know her, and eventually we became partners. On the other side of the Equator in another woman I know met her now husband on that same evening. Both of them were travelers She from California and He from Germany and crossing paths with each other on 12/21/2012 in Peru. I think it was both synchronistic that a number of people met their long term partners on that day, along with the fact that each of the people involved were admits travel that had closed the gap of continents in order to cross paths.
My decision to return to school has be a direct departure from the say yes to opportunity attitude that allowed me to meet my mate. Staying close to home and working on building this new knowledge base and skill set seems to me that it has closed me off to the opportunities that international roller derby coaching & play had offered me over the last decade and that has been a difficult trade off. But that sort of thinking in and of itself may cause me to miss out on seeing the synchronistic events unfold around me here and now.
That is such a cool story of sycronicity....and travel always seems to bring so many gifts---love being the best anyone can hope for--congrats