Compulsory vaccination, let's talk about it. I will say flat out, this is likely to get a little dark.
The idea behind public health is decreased mortality and increased longevity, if my understanding is correct. Diseases like small pox are incredibly virulent and lethal, and an epidemic could wipe out great numbers of people. Sounds like something that should be avoided.
Overpopulation is a thing, right? Overconsumption too? I remember hearing numbers about how if we continue to consume at the same rate as we are now that we will need something like 6 planet earths to sustain the wester human appetite.
An epidemic would be heartbreaking without doubt. But would it be necessarily bad for the planet? I think perhaps not.
I also reflect on a conversation I was having the other week with a woman from Canada, a point that she made was that socialized health care worked in Canada because they have a much smaller population than the U.S. Could perhaps an epidemic in the United States that wiped out, lets say 1/10, the population be a catalyst into fixing our very broken health care system? In my opinion, it could. And in the face of the catastrophic changes happen quickly.
As far as how to accommodate parental choice, I think that there should be more funding into educating parents about the diseases that vaccines are helping us avoid outbreaks of. This generation of parents have not likely ever experienced any of these diseases, so hire some of social medias greatest minds to make viral videos about cow pox, pertussis, tetanus, polio, ect. Have them playing on the TV's in waiting rooms of doctors offices instead of having sports on. My perception is that it is easy to equate the flu to small pox, if you don't know anything about small pox, as two things that are vaccinated for. One of which almost everyone has experience with, so, doesn't it stand to reason that small pox would be just as bad as the flu? We need to educate to correct these flaws in rational.